February 14, 2005

Black History Month Program at Wayne State University: Art, music, poetry, pictorial exhibit, play preview

 Wayne State University's Department of Interdisciplinary Studies (IS) and the Humanities Center will host the annual Black History Month program on Friday, February 25, 2005, 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m., on the main campus in Detroit, at 91 Manoogian (at the corner of Warren and the Lodge service drive). The program titled, "A Celebration of Black Heritage in Detroit," is free to the public with guest parking available on Anthony Wayne Drive in parking structure #2. The rate for parking is $3.50.

The schedule includes:

  • "African Art on Exhibit," by Donald Calloway, 11:30 a.m.-12 p.m.

  • "Pages from the Past: A Census Roots Search," 12-12:30 p.m., a strolling pictorial exhibit documenting the Alex and Adaline family of Leighton, Colbert County Alabama from the early 1800s conducted by Emma Morris Ribbron, a descendant, genealogist, and Wayne State alumna and retiree.

  • "Music & Poetry" (Open Mic), 12:30-12:45 p.m.

  • "Hit 8-Mile," 1-2 p.m., a sneak preview of the play which portrays black family life in the 'Black Bottom' of Detroit and during Mayor Coleman Young's term in public office, by Dorothy T. Redmond and Tyrone Staples, with guest speaker Coleman A. Young, Jr.
The Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in the College of Urban, Labor and Metropolitan Affairs provides a unique university education with a distinctive curriculum tailored to adult learners. IS recognizes that most students seek an education that both prepares them for career advancement and fulfills their personal ambitions. One of our aims, therefore, is to meet the needs of adult learners in a constantly changing workplace and community. Drawing upon current educational theory on adult learning, the curriculum emphasizes written and oral communication skills, familiarity with information technologies, problem-solving and critical thinking trategies, self-expression, sensitivity to multiculturalism and interdisciplinary and collaborative learning. For more information, please visit our Web site at www.is.wayne.edu or call (313) 577-4627.

Wayne State University is a premier institution of higher education offering more than 350 academic programs through 12 schools and colleges to more than 33,000 students in metropolitan Detroit.


Tom Reynolds
Phone: (313) 577-8093
Email: treynolds@wayne.edu

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