January 19, 2005

Wayne State offers belly dancing as part of Weight Management Fair

 Detroit, MI - Wayne State University will host The Art of Belly Dancing for Women of All Sizes, Saturday, Jan. 22, from 1 to 4 p.m., at the WSU Mort Harris Recreation and Fitness Center, 5210 Gullen Mall. The event is part of the Weight Management Information Fair featuring the Detroit Department of Health, Henry Ford Hospital and St. Joseph Mercy Oakland Hospital. Admission to the event is free and open to the public.

The featured speaker is Pauline Costianes, co-director of Ta'amullat of Ann Arbor, which is Michigan's first founded and longest-running Near/Middle Eastern dance troupe. Mary Weed, Crystal Dunlap and Dee Watkins will be guest instructors as well.

The event is sponsored by Wayne State University's Academic College Enrichment Services, the Mort Harris Recreation and Fitness Center and the Weekend Activities Committee.

Participants are requested to dance in socks. No black-soled shoes will be permitted on the gym floor. Visit campusmap.wayne.edu to view a campus map. Contact Cathy Howard at (313) 577-0997 or cathyhoward@wayne.edu, for more information.

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Christa Mowry
Phone: (313) 577-8157
Email: cmowry@dmac.wayne.edu

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