March 1, 2004

Wayne State University to host annual Science Bowl for middle and high school students

Student teams from the Detroit Public Schools, along with students from Indianapolis and Cincinnati, will compete in the Midwest region Science Bowl on Saturday, March 6 from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.

The competition will test the students' knowledge of subjects like science, engineering and math. The event will be held at Wayne State's Science Hall on Cass Avenue just north of Warren Avenue on the main campus.

This Science Bowl is sponsored by the Office of Minority Student Initiative in Wayne State's department of chemistry and the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE).

The students form teams of three to five members each and will compete in a Jeopardy-style double elimination format. The students all compete in the junior division that consists of 7-9 graders. More than 100 students are expected to participate in the Science Bowl event, said Keith Williams, director of Wayne State's Office of Minority Student Initiative.

Student volunteers from Wayne State, Michigan State University and University of Michigan will also assist the high school students participating in the Science Bowl.

The topic categories are: science, mathematics, engineering, technology and African American inventors. In addition, teams that are eliminated will get a second chance by successfully building a solar or hybrid model car. The top three teams in each division are awarded U.S. Savings Bonds.

The winning teams also attend a national competition sponsored by NOBCChE, which are held in a variety of cities. Those teams are also eligible to compete in the National Science Bowl of the Department of Energy held in June in Golden, Colo. for the junior division.


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