February 25, 2004

Wayne State hosts symposium on U.S.-Canadian border security

The 14th Annual Wayne-Windsor Canadian Studies Symposium on "Security, the Border, and the Canada-U.S. Relationship" will be held Thursday, April 1, from 6 - 9 p.m. at the McGregor Memorial Conference Center on the campus of Wayne State.

The keynote speaker, David G. Haglund, an expert on trans-atlantic security and Canadian/American international security policy, is the Sir Edward Peacock Professor of Political Studies at Queen's University (Kingston, Ontario).

Haglund received his Ph.D. in International Relations from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (1978). From 1985 to 1995, and again from 1996 to 2002, he served as Director of the Queen's Centre for International Relations. He has held visiting professorships in France and Germany.

Professor Haglund will speak at a dinner/plenary session scheduled for 6 - 9 p.m., preceded by a reception at 5 p.m. The symposium dinner is free and open to the public, but seating is limited and advance registration is required. To attend, or for further information, please contact:

Prof. John J. Bukowczyk
Director, WSU Canadian Studies Program and Symposium Chair
E-mail: aa2092@wayne.edu
Phone: (313) 577-2799

Registration/Cancellation deadline is noon, Wednesday, March 24, 2004.

The Wayne Windsor Symposium is co-sponsored by the Wayne State University Canadian Studies program and the University of Windsor. This year's symposium also is supported by the Consulate General of Canada, Detroit; the WSU Department of History; and the WSU Department of Political Science.

Note: Symposium attendees also may visit "Ask the Dust," an exhibition of works by the Royal Art Lodge, a Winnipeg artists' collaborative, on display at WSU's Elaine L. Jacob Gallery. The exhibition is co-sponsored by WSU's Canadian Studies Program. For further information, please contact Sandra Dupret, curator, at (313) 577-2423.

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