October 23, 2003

Wayne State and United States Postal Service to unveil

The Wayne State University School of Social Work and the United States Post Office will celebrate the launch of a U.S. semipostal stamp "Stop Family Violence" on Monday, Oct. 27, at 10:30 a.m. at McGregor Memorial Conference Hall on campus. The public is invited.

Lloyd E. Wesley, Jr., postmaster of Detroit will serve as the master of ceremonies, and special guests at the event will include: John H. Talick, lead executive/district manager, U.S. Post Office; Detroit City Council President Maryann Mahaffey; and Nancy S. Barrett, provost and senior vice president of academic affairs at Wayne State.

"Social Work has played a major role in preventing domestic violence and helping relieve the suffering that family members experience," said Dean Phyllis Ivory Vroom of the Wayne State University School of Social Work. "In the School of Social Work, we've collaborated with agencies to develop and test prevention programs for troubled families and those who batter."

A "semipostal" is a stamp issued and sold by the Postal Service at a price exceeding the first-class letter rate. The differential between the price of the "Stop Family Violence" semipostal and its postage value is used to fund domestic violence programs. Stamps will be on sale after the ceremony. The stamp, which was issued Oct. 11, 2003, will be on sale through the end of 2006.

For more information about the program call Susan Titus at (313) 993-4066.


Susan Titus
Phone: (313) 993-4066

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