September 23, 2003

Workplace communication is focus of Oct. 14 seminar at Wayne State

"Workplace communication: Advancing yourself in print, on the phone and online," is the focus of an Oct. 14 seminar in the McGregor Memorial Conference Center at Wayne State University.

Presenter Denise Anne Taylor, president of Competitive Advantage, Inc., will teach participants a variety of communication tools, from how to write professional memos to conducting themselves with style on their cellular telephones and in electronic communication.

Designed especially for recent graduates, participants will learn how polished business communication skills make for a memorable personal brand. The seminar is sponsored by the Wayne State University Alumni Association's recent alumni committee.

Registration begins at 5:30 p.m. and the seminar begins at 6 p.m. Refreshments and networking follow. The seminar is free to new grads that purchased a two-year membership in the alumni association. Tickets for students and alumni association members cost $10; tickets for guests are $15.

Reservations are required. To sign up, contact Kim White-Jenkins at (313) 577-2167, or e-mail


Kim White-Jenkins
Phone: (313) 577-2167

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