June 18, 2003

Wayne State University, regional leadership organizations present

Wayne State University's Detroit Orientation Institute, in the College of Urban, Labor and Metropolitan Affairs, and other leadership organizations in Southeast Michigan and Windsor/Essex County are presenting a joint forum on regional issues titled "Breakthrough: A Convergence of Leadership," on Tuesday, June 24 at Macomb Community College Professional Development Center in Clinton Township. The program's goal is to become a catalyst for change and promote cooperation throughout the region.

The Detroit Orientation Institute is joined by other participating organizations including: Leadership Ann Arbor, Leadership Detroit, Leadership Macomb, Leadership Oakland and Leadership Windsor/Essex. More than 3,000 graduates of these programs have been invited to attend.

Renowned speaker Katherine Tyler Scott will facilitate the conference focusing on creating a culture of civic leadership among area business and community leaders. Scott, president of Trustee Leadership Development, a national leadership education and resource center based in Indianapolis, is a consultant/trainer, workshop leader and speaker. She developed and directed the Lilly Endowment Leadership Education Program and also leadership training programs and resources for the National Association for Community Leadership. Scott is the author of "Preparing Leaders and Nurturing Trustees, The Inner Work of the Leader" and "Cultivating Trusteeship."

Scott will present the keynote address followed by breakout sessions, a report and wrap-up. The forum will conclude with a networking barbecue lunch on the Macomb Community College grounds. "Based on a recent survey of all our alumni, there is a tremendous interest in the topic of regional cooperation and civic leadership," said Barbara Gray, executive director, Leadership Detroit. "This first-time initiative is an effort to address these regional issues and move forward."

The forum is 8:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Cost is $50. For more information, contact: Dawn Magretta at (248) 952-6880, ext 2.

Wayne State University is a premier institution of higher education offering more than 350 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to more than 31,000 students in metropolitan Detroit.

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