May 28, 2003

Wayne State's LeRoy named to international disability group

The director of the Developmental Disabilities Institute at Wayne State University, Barbara LeRoy, was elected to the Executive Board of the United States International Council on Disability (USICD) May 21.

The Council is the U.S. member organization for the two largest organizations on disability issues worldwide, Rehabilitation International and Disabled Persons International.

The Wayne State University Developmental Disabilities Institute is part of a nationwide system of programs established in affiliation with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and designed to enhance the lives of persons with disabilities.

Dr. LeRoy, a resident of Ann Arbor, is an expert on Inclusive Education, Welfare Reform, and Women and Disabilities, as well as director of the Institute.

She manages the institute staff of some 23 professionals engaged in education, research and community support programs. The institute contributes to the development of inclusive communities and quality of life for people with disabilities through interdisciplinary education, community support and services, research and dissemination of information.

A photo of Director LeRoy can be mailed, e-mailed or found at Photo of Director LeRoy. She may be reached by telephone at (313) 577-0334 or e-mail:

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