May 15, 2003

Concert for Eli benefit scheduled May 16 & 17

Wayne State University employees are invited to The Concert for Eli, two nights of acoustic music presented at the Village Hall in Dryden, MI, Friday, May 16 and 17 from 7 p.m. to approximately 11 p.m.

The event is a fundraiser for the Eli David Parks Endowed Scholarship in Music at Wayne State University.

The program will cover a wide spectrum of musical styles from classical to rap. The musicians for both evenings will include members of Eli's family, former band mates, friends and friends of friends. Refreshments will be available and no alcohol is allowed.

Eli Parks, an employee in the Wayne State Fund Office, drowned at the age of 24 in a tragic canoeing accident in Lake Superior June 19, 2002. Eli, an aspiring musician, never knew that he had just been accepted as a student in Wayne State's music program. Eli's parents created the memorial scholarship fund to assist other music students.

Suggested donation is $20. David Parks, Eli's father, said, "We say 'suggested' because there may be some who cannot afford that much but would like to attend, and we say 'donation' because that's what it is."

Seating is limited, so tickets must be purchased in advance.

For tickets, contact the Parks family:

Home - (586) 752-4809

Work - (586) 947-2532

If you would like to make a gift directly to the fund, please send a check (payable to Wayne State University) to the Wayne State Fund Office in Beecher House, designated to account #060025.


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Phone: (313) 577-2150

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