April 30, 2003

The Road to Success - Noncredit Offering - Spring/Summer 2003

Wayne State University Metropolitan Programs and Summer Sessions Noncredit Unit provide a wealth of programming and scheduling options at a variety of convenient locations. Timely programs are offered in a wide range of formats including half-day and full-day workshops. Upcoming workshops include:

The Art of Dementia Care Giving - Are you the resource person dementia caregivers turn to for help? Do you find yourself at a loss helping them stay active and involved in life? Designed to offer professional and family caregivers of persons with dementia sufferers a variety of ways to deal with changes in their lives while alleviating stress and providing comfort. The workshop is divided into two formats - Dementia caregiver/care recipient (May 6, 13, 20) and professional resource people for family caregivers. (May 5, 12, 19) Fee.

· Introduction to Computers - Focus of the course is on proper finger positioning. Students will use hands-on activities such as learning how to operate the mouse, use icons, menus and windows. Designed for students who type less than 35 words per minute. (May 5, 12, 19) Fee.

· Introduction to the Internet - What is the Internet? How does it operate? What is a modem? Learn about the nuts and bolts of the net, pricing packages, monthly charges, tools of the Internet, chat rooms, e-mail, profiles, favorites and what surfing the net really means. (June 2, 19, 16) Fee.

· Diabetes: How Well Do You Know Your Disease - This course will help you and your family understand and manage diabetes and assist diabetes patients in the understanding of Diabetes Type I & II. You will become knowledgeable in the following areas: exercise and foot care; stress management; medication and equipment use; complications associated with diabetes; questions you should ask your physicians, and how food plays a vital part in controlling the disease. (May 10, 17, 24, 31 and June 7) Fee

· 30 Days To A More Powerful Vocabulary - This course will jump -start vocabulary improvement of adults who are looking for an edge in their professional and personal lives. The workshop will show the learner how to avoid the embarrassment of misusing or mispronouncing words while becoming a better conversationalist. (May 14, 21, 28, June 4, 11, 18) Fee

· Creative Writing: Poetry, Short Fiction and Novels - Techniques and basic forms of writing poetry, short fictions and novels are discussed. Students will create and complete a short story, enhance the creative writing process and develop a writer's circle. (May 29, June 5, 12, 19, 26) Fee

· American Sign Language - Have you ever thought about signing? American sign language the fourth most commonly used language in the United States. This course offers an introduction to basic signing learning vocabulary, facial expression and developing cultural awareness. A deaf instructor will teach this course. Come join us and learn how to communicate with members of the deaf community. (May 5, 12, 19, June 2, 9, 16 23, 30) Fee

· Personal Financial Plan For The Future - Learn the facts about current stock market volatility and what it means for the short-term and long- term investor. Estimate the future costs of a college education and learn ways to prepare for the expense; discuss the fundamentals of investing in real estate, stocks, bonds, insurance and mutual funds. (June 7) Fee

· Grant Writing Strategies - Designed primarily for the person who has limited or no experience in grant writing. Learn skills you need to successfully compete for grant dollars from corporate and private foundation sources. Whether new to the subject or having limited experience, workshop registrants will strengthen their ability to articulate program potential and gain support from civic corporate and private funding sources. (June 4, 11 or June 5, 12) Fee

For additional information and registration process, please call Wayne State University Metropolitan Programs and Summer Sessions Noncredit Unit at (313) 577-4665.

Wayne State University is a premier institution of higher education offering more than 350 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to more than 31,000 students in metropolitan Detroit.


Tom Reynolds
Phone: (313) 577-8093
Email: treynolds@wayne.edu

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