March 19, 2003

Wayne State to offer early registration for fall 2003

Things are looking up for Wayne State students who like to plan ahead. This year - for the first time ever - university students may register for the fall and spring/summer semesters at the same time.

In the past, students registered for spring/summer beginning in March, but had to wait until July to register for fall. This year, priority Web registration for fall will begin Monday, March 31.

The addition of early Web registration is expected to benefit students and university alike. Students will be able to register before they leave campus for the summer, while Wayne State schools and colleges will be able to assess their course enrollments early to be sure their offerings match student demands.

According to Charles Brown, WSU vice president for Student Development and Campus Life, the addition of early Web registration is just one of several recent process improvements in the registration area that make Wayne State University a more competitive institution.

"We are always looking to provide better, more efficient services to our current and prospective students," Brown said. "This particular change allows us to better track trends and anticipate issues early on. It also means our students will spend the summer knowing they will have scheduled the classes they need in the fall."

Priority Web registration for fall 2003 will be from March 31 through July 20. Telephone registration for fall 2003 begins July 7. Visit Pipeline or Class Schedule for more information.


Robert Wartner
Phone: (313) 577-2150

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