February 5, 2003

Wayne State joins Red Cross to get students and staff to donate blood

By Arthur Bridgeforth Jr.

Wayne State University and the American Red Cross are teaming up to offer a blood drive from Feb. 10th and 13th and they need blood donors in the wake of recent shortages in the blood supply.

Wayne State is urging students, faculty and staff to support the blood drive effort.

"Our division in conjunction with the local Red Cross wants to make a more concentrated effort to involve students, faculty and staff in achieving one goal - providing blood for our fellow Detroiters and helping to save lives," said Eileen Raider, director of special events and outreach programs, for Wayne State's Office of Community Affairs.

Those who wish to donate blood can make an appointment in advance at the Information Center in room 135 of the Student Center Building from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., or call 577-3568 for more information. Although appointments are encouraged, walk-ins are also welcome during the blood drive. Blood donors will be provided with free juice and cookies.


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