January 17, 2003

Wayne State Associate Provost, Jack Kay, to give lecture on

DETROIT, MI Wayne State University Associate Provost, Jack Kay, will be giving his lecture, "The Music of Contemporary Hate Groups: Cyberspace and the Language of Oppression", on Friday, Jan. 31, 2003. Kay's lecture is part of the WSU Department of Music's 2003 Professional Artists Concert and Lecture Series. The lecture will be held at 11:45 a.m. in the Schaver Music Recital Hall, located at 480 W. Hancock in the Old Main Building. The lecture is free and open to the public. For more information call (313) 577-1795.

Jack Kay is a Professor of Communication and Associate Provost at Wayne State University. For the past twenty years, Kay has studied the communication strategies of hate groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and Aryan Nation. During his multi-media presentation, Kay will focus on the music used by these hate groups to recruit new members and articulate the group's ideology. Professor Kay will also discuss the music used on "Cyberhate" web sites, as well as present samples of hate music such as "Reich n' Roll" and "Skinhead".

Wayne State University Department of Music is celebrating 84 years of artistic and academic excellence. The Department's faculty includes renowned jazz artists, composers, scholars, educators and members of the internationally acclaimed Detroit Symphony Orchestra. WSU alumni have gone on to careers in distinguished orchestras, ensembles and as soloists and music educators the world over.


Andrea Lafferty
Phone: (313) 577-1783
Email: ad2805@wayne.edu

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