May 2, 2002

Wayne State University Institute studies impact of Welfare Reform

The reauthorization of TANF welfare reform legislation (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program) is currently on the agenda in Congress. The Developmental Disabilities Institute at Wayne State University is the only place in the United States where the impact of that legislation on families who have children with disabilities is being systematically studied.

Barbara LeRoy, director of the institute, has testified in Lansing about TANF legislation at the state level and has written several articles on the topic. She also is available to discuss the legislation as it makes its way through federal and state legislation.

Dr. LeRoy, an expert on Inclusive Education, Welfare Reform, and Women and Disabilities, manages the institute staff of some 23 professionals engaged in education, research and community support programs. The institute contributes to the development of inclusive communities and quality of life for people with disabilities and their families through a culturally sensitive statewide program of interdisciplinary education, community support and services, research and dissemination of information.

The Developmental Disabilities Institute at Wayne State University is Michigan's Center for Excellence in Disabilities and provides statewide programs designed to enhance the lives of persons with disabilities.

Director LeRoy may be reached by telephone at (313) 577-0334 or


Robert Wartner
Phone: (313) 577-2150

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