December 4, 2001

WSU School of Medicine, OHEP to host CME program on disaster response

To better acquaint physicians and other health-care personnel with emergency preparedness plans in Michigan, the Wayne State University School of Medicine and the OHEP Center for Medical Education are sponsoring a presentation, titled “Response to Biological and Chemical Disaster: A Special Program for the Health Care Community” from 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 7. 

The conference will enable health-care professionals to update their information on biological and chemical agents that could be used against our communities, to address psychiatric issues resulting from terrorist attacks and to review communications resources needed in the event of a disaster.

The tragedy of Sept. 11 and subsequent events sharply emphasize the importance of our community health-care services and links between an array of emergency services, public-health resources and the health-care community.

The conference is intended for practicing physicians and residents in all specialties and other health-care personnel. The contents will be particularly relevant to community physicians, emergency physicians and public health / preventive medicine physicians.

For more information on this conference, please call (313) 577-1180. The net gain from this program will be donated to the American Red Cross.

Members of the media interested in covering this event should call Jennifer Day at (313) 577-1058.

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