May 7, 2001

Issues in Aging to be covered at Institute of Gerontology geriatric/gerontology professionals three-day conference

Congressman John Conyers Jr. to present

On May 14 - 16, Wayne State University's Institute of Gerontology will present "Issues in Aging: Alzheimer's and Dementia - Bridging Research and Care giving; Geriatric Mental Health - Meeting the Needs of a Growing Crisis; and End of Life - Tools and Promising Practices for Supporting Individuals and their Families." The three-day conference will be held at the Management Education Center in Troy, Mich.

The conference is designed to:
  • Benefit those who wish to broaden their geriatric/gerontology knowledge and skills, provide expert advice from knowledgeable professionals,
  • Offer multiple perspectives about each topic, and
  • Allow professionals an excellent networking opportunity with others within their discipline.
Congressman John Conyers Jr. is expected to present at 2:45 p.m. Monday, May 14. This session will offer attendees an opportunity to learn how public policy and advocacy can make a difference for the patient, clinician and caregiver. Other conference faculty include faculty from Wayne State's Institute of Gerontology; Harvard Medical School; Duke University; Michigan State University; the National Institute of Mental Health; and others.

One-day registration is $99; two-day registration is $185; and the cost for three days is $270. For additional conference and registration information, please contact Janice Freytag at the Institute of Gerontology at WSU at (313) 875-6834 orby e-mail at

Supporters of this year's conference include Geriatric Education Center of Michigan, Michigan Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, Hospice of Michigan, Michigan State Medical Society, Wayne State University Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences and Janssen Pharmaceuticals. The event is sponsored by the Wayne State University Institute of Gerontology and School of Medicine.


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