May 1, 2001

National conference on health issues in Arab-American Community May 11, 12

An international group of health-care providers, policy-makers, researchers, educators and community leaders will gather Friday and Saturday, May 11 and 12 at the Dearborn Inn-Marriott for the Second Biennial National Conference on Arab-American Health.

Taking its cue from the United States surgeon general, conference participants will use the community health objectives presented in the federal "Healthy People 2010" report to specifically address the future of health and health education in the Arab-American community.

Organizers from the Wayne State University School of Medicine and the Community Health Center at Dearborn-based Arab Community Center for Economic & Social Services hope that the conference will serve as a vital forum to promote cooperation and collaboration between academic institutions, health-care providers, and community-based organizations in addressing the major health threats to the Arab-American community.

Topics to be addressed include diabetes, cardiovascular disease, maternal and child health, common cancers, environmental issues and mental health. Pre- and post-conference activities are scheduled for Thursday, May 10, and Monday, May 14. More information can be found by contacting the ACCESS Community Health Center at (313) 745-2525.


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