April 13, 2001

Wayne State University Board of Governors elects new secretary

Julie Miller, executive assistant to Wayne State President Irvin D. Reid, was recently elected secretary to the Wayne State Board of Governors.
Miller, a resident of Oak Park, will hold the dual title of secretary to the Board of Governors and executive assistant to the president.

In her former position, Miller served as liaison to the Board of Governors and the president's cabinet, working closely with then Board Secretary Climetene McClain.

McClain retired March 28 after almost 40 years of service to the university, including 20 years as secretary to the board.

Starting as a secretary in WSU's department of speech communication, theatre and journalism in 1977, Miller was recruited by her union to serve as an "alternate steward," but quickly became more involved and served seven years with the union, eventually becoming financial secretary and treasurer of the clerical union, UAW Local 2071.

Simultaneously, she moved through the ranks to serve as secretary in finance and business economics and personnel coordinator in the dean's office, School of Business Administration.

Miller became confidential assistant to Vice President for Academic Affairs Tilden Edelstein in 1996 where she remained until she was chosen by President Irvin D. Reid as his executive assistant.

Wayne State "runs in the blood" of the Miller family. Julie received her B.S. in human resources management in 1992 and an M.A. in industrial relations in 1997. Husband Michael Wayne Miller recently returned to work on a bachelor's in fine arts while stepson Erik is a chemical engineering major at WSU.


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