October 27, 2000

COSW offers panel discussion on tenure Nov. 1

The President's Commission on the Status of Women plans to feature "Tips on Tenure," a panel discussion, from noon to 1:30 p.m. in room Hilberry B of the Student Center Building at Wayne State University.

Professor Jennifer Sheridan in the department of Greek and Classic Languages in the College of Liberal Arts and Alice Young, associate dean of the College of Science, will present information about how to succeed at gaining promotion and tenure.

The presentation is one in the brownbag series offered by the COSW. Beverages and dessert will be provided, but participants are asked to bring their own lunches. Reservations can be made by calling Leslie Mahlmeister at (313) 577-2378.

Olga Tsoudis and Noel Kulik are co-chairwomen of the COSW Career Development Committee, which sponsors the series.

A new project planned by the committee is a mentoring directory for WSU faculty and staff. Planners say the directory will be a useful resource because employees can look up areas of interest and contact the mentor person who has expertise in that area.

For example, an individual who is preparing a tenure package may want advice from another faculty member who has served on a tenure committee or who has gone through the tenure process.

Or, a staff member and/or faculty member working on a computer program for the first time may need assistance in learning how to use that computer program. This directory will promote mentoring on campus.

The committee is researching mentoring programs at other university campuses in order to develop the most effective mentoring program at Wayne State.

The commission continues to offer the WSU cookbook, which supports an endowed scholarship for a WSU female athlete. The cookbook sells for $10 and is available by calling Tsoudis at (313) 577- 0975 or by e-mail aa1594@wayne.edu.

For more information about any of the above, call Kulik at (313) 577-6684 or e-mail her at Noel.Kulik@wayne.edu.

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