August 30, 2000

Wayne State University Professor named Charter Member of the Academy of Management Journals' Hall of Fame

The Academy of Management honored Richard Osborn, D.B.A., professor of management and international strategy at the Wayne State University School of Business Administration, as one of 33 charter members of the Academy Journals' Hall of Fame. Each of the 33 inductees has published 10 or more refereed articles in the three Academy of Management Journals, including the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review and Academy of Management Execunve.

Osborn received the honor at the academy's annual meeting in Toronto in early August. The honorees were inducted at three levels: gold for 20 or more articles; silver for 15 to 19 articles; and bronze for 10 to 14 articles. Twenty-nine of the scholars, including Osborn, entered the Hall of Fame at the bronze level.

Professor Osborn has teaching and research interests in organization theory, technology management strategy and international alliances. In addition to the Academy of Management journals, his research papers have been published in such journals as Administrative Science Quarterly and Organizational Studies. He received an M.B.A. degree from Washington State University and a D.B.A. degree from Kent State University. Prior to joining the School of Business Administration, he was a senior research scientist at Battelle Human Affairs Research Center in Seattle, Washington. The business school administration and faculty honored Osbom with the Distinguished Research Award at the school's Annual Recognition and Awards Program in April.

The Academy of Management is a professional society primarily composed of professors who conduct research and teach management in colleges, universities or research institutions. Founded to foster the general advancement of research, learning and practice in the management field, the academy has 10,000 members in more than 80 countries.

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