March 20, 2000

WSU Chorale plans three fundraising concerts Poland and Germany Concert Tour in May

Three concerts to raise funds for the European tour of the Concert Chorale at Wayne State University are scheduled for March 31, April 14 and April 30.

The first concert at 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 31, at St. Dorothy Church, 12255 Frazho Road, Warren, (810) 754-3232, will offer the American 20th century music to be performed on tour.

A second concert at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 14, at Our Lady of the Lakes Church, 5481 Dixie Highway, Waterford, (248) 623-0274, also will add the Dennis Tini Duo with Chris Collins to the tour music.

A third concert at 3 p. m. Sunday, April 30, at St. Thomas Aquinas Church, 5780 Evergreen, Detroit, (313) 271-3266, will offer the tour music.

The chorale has been invited to the prestigious International Festival of University Choirs, Universitas Cantat 2000 in Poznan, Poland, May 4-7. Professor Dennis Tini, chairman of the music department, will conduct the chorale.

The chorale also will perform and record in Berlin, Germany during their European concert tour. The International Festival of Choirs is the first of its kind in central/eastern Europe, and is coordinated through the Adam Mickiewicz University.

Choruses from throughout eastern and central Europe are involved in this annual festival, including ensembles from Czechoslovakia, Germany, Poland, Yugoslavia, Romania, Israel and France. The chorale is one of two American choruses selected to perform.

While in Poznan Tini and Christopher Collins, also of the music faculty, will conduct classes for students in Polish schools.
The festival was created to bring together select choruses from around the world, offering students the opportunity to exchange artistic/educational experiences and share in the common language of music.

Poznan, Poland is known as the capital of Polish choral music and is recognized as a cultural center throughout Europe.

The chorale is a select mixed choral ensemble from the department of music. It strives through its diverse and demanding repertoire to perform the highest possible quality of music in professional settings. The chorale has performed and recorded in Europe and the United States, including featured performances with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.

The chorale is seeking sponsors and contributions for the tour and will continue to collect past the time of the tour. Tax deductible contributions may be directed to: Wayne State University Choral Division, Attention: Professor Dennis J. Tini, Chairman, Department of Music, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202.

For additional information or assistance call the music office at (313) 577-1795.

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