March 14, 2000

March 24 showing of La Balia (The Wet-Nurse) will benefit Wayne State University

Marco Bellocchio's La Balia, nominated for the Palme d'Or award at the Cannes Film Festival in 1999, will be shown at 7 p.m. Friday, March 24, at Wayne State University.

The special showing is sponsored by the Italian Heritage Society, affiliated with WSU, under the auspices of the Consulate of Italy in Detroit. Dr. Gianluca Alberini, consul of Italy, will address the audience and Professor Andrea di Tommaso of WSU's Romance languages and literatures department will give a brief explanation of the film and the importance of Bellacchio's work.

Proceeds from this event will be used to purchase a six-channel stereo sound system that will enhance the university's film facility in its General Lectures Building.

Doors open at 6 p.m. The screening will be in the General Lectures Building, on the corner of Warren Avenue at Anthony Wayne Drive (Third Avenue), and a reception will follow in the Italian Heritage Room, also located in General Lectures.

Tickets cost $15 for students and faculty with proper identification; $20 for seniors; $25 general admission. Patron ticket donations are $50 per person and benefactor tickets are $100.

Seating is limited so reservations are requested by March 22. Call Marian Impastato at (313) 886-6894 to reserve a seat or for more details.

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