February 28, 2000

Wayne State announces interim director of athletics

Robert Brennan, athletic director at Wayne State University since 1991, will be leaving Wayne State University, effective today. Ron Hammye, headmen's basketball coach, will serve as interim director of athletics. Hammye holds a master's degree in physical education from Bowling Green State University, and has significant sports administration experience. Hammye has been head coach since 1988 having served as assistant coach from 1982-1988.

Robert Carter, vice president of Student Development and Campus Life, the administrative unit responsible for athletics made the announcement today. Carter stated, "Bob Brennan was a strong supporter of student athletes and coaches." Commenting on Hammye's assignment, he stated, "One of Ron Hammye's immediate goals will be to work with the staff to develop plans for the growth of Wayne State University's athletic programs."

A search committee consisting of students, faculty, alumni and members of the administration will be formed and will conduct a national search to find a permanent athletic director. Wayne State expects that search to be completed within the next several months. Wayne State recently introduced men and women's hockey as Division I intercollegiate sports -- the first step toward making the transition to a Division I program in all sports.

Irvin D. Reid, President, stated, "Bob Brennan helped Wayne State's athletic program compete at the Division II level. We thank him for his service and wish him well. We are looking forward to bringing in an individual who will build on Bob's many accomplishments and take us to the next level."


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