January 21, 2000

Lincoln Brigade Committee at WSU seeking scholarship nominations

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade Scholarship Committee at Wayne State has announced its annual competition for $600 scholarship awards.

The competition is open to currently enrolled WSU students whose vocational or a vocational activities best exemplify the values of WSU students who left school in the late 1930s to fight the forces of fascism during the Spanish Civil War.

Previous winners have included two South End editors and an anti-apartheid activist as well as students who worked with the homeless, AIDS victims and political refugees.

Scholarship nominations should be accompanied by a statement of about 500 words explaining why the nominee is deserving. Send nominations to Professor Melvin Small, history department, 3119 Faculty/Administration Building, Detroit, MI 48202. The deadline is March 30.

Winners will be announced Sunday, April 9, during an opening program, 3-5 p.m., for a photography exhibit about the Spanish Civil War in the David Adamany Undergraduate Library on campus.

For more information on scholarship award criteria and for background on the conflict that led civilian volunteers from the United States and other countries to come to the aid of the Spanish government during the war, call Small at (313) 577-6138.

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