November 22, 1999

Hunting for the perfect holiday story idea? Wayne State University experts can help. Call the Public Relations staff at (313) 577-2150

Get the real toy story

Parents are constantly faced with decisions regarding merchandise that they purchase for their children. But holiday toy shopping is in a category all its own. Every parent wants to buy the toy(s) that will make the holiday special for his or her child. However, a child's wish list, the advertisements, and the selection of toys are endless. A trip to your local toy store can leave parents overwhelmed and frustrated. Beverly Weathington, parent educator at Wayne State's Merrill-Palmer Institute, knows how to ease some of that frustration by offering some guidelines based on the age and interests of your child that can make toy shopping easier.

'Tis the season - to keep an eye on your food intake.

Weight gain between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day averages 7 pounds. Most people lose some, but not all of it. The biggest culprits: large portions, extra helpings and alcoholic beverages. David Klurfeld, professor and chairman of WSU's nutrition and food science department, is a virtual cornucopia of good ideas on how to avoid spending the holidays overstuffed.

Culture expert explains holidays in America

Why do we do what we do at the holidays? Our American pop culture expert, Jerry Herron, is the Martha Stewart of cultural explanations - he can name a product for every possible occasion and to whom you can give it. Herron is interested in why certain traditions are followed and can explain how we know what to do and how we know when to start so we fit in with friends and families.


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