November 3, 1998

Dr. Pamela Trotman Reid to keynote teen conference Nov. 5

Dr. Pamela Trotman Reid, a research scientist at the University of Michigan's Institute for Research on Women and Gender, will give the keynote address at a Metropolitan Detroit Teen Conference titled "Take a Giant Step" at Wayne State University's Student Center Building Thursday, Nov. 5. The half-day conference annually attracts some 300 ninth and tenth grade students from high schools in the Detroit area for motivational talks and group discussion sessions where the teens discuss issues facing them such as "who's in charge," "friendship," and "the importance of education." Sponsored by WSU's Merrill-Palmer Institute and the Detroit Recreation Department to steer teens into a positive direction, this year's program begins with a welcome session featuring WKBD-TV news anchor Amyre Makupson at 9 a.m., followed by Dr. Reid's address at 9:30 a.m. The teens then break into small discussion groups to discuss "Managing Your Life," break for lunch and attend a short afternoon session. For conference information, contact the Detroit Recreation Department at (313) 224-4364 or the Merrill-Palmer Institute at (313) 872-1790.


Robert Wartner
Phone: (313) 577-2150

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