December 18, 1997

Luncheon and speaker at Wayne State will honor Martin

Wilson J. Moses, history professor at Pennsylvania State University, will be the guest speaker at a Jan. 19 luncheon at Wayne State University in celebration of the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr.

Moses is the author of four books and his fifth, Afrotopia: Roots of African- American Popular History, will be published in June 1998. He has edited three books, written 33 chapters in scholarly books and numerous journal articles.

Prior to joining the faculty at Penn State Moses served as professor of Afro- American Studies and American Civilization at Brown University and also was professor of English and history and director of Afro-American studies at Boston University. He was Fulbright senior lecturer at the Free University of Berlin and Fulbright guest professor at the University of Vienna.

The luncheon begins at noon and will be held in WSU's Community Arts Gallery. Tickets cost $25. His speech will be televised free at 1 p.m. in the Community Arts Auditorium.

Reservations are required for the luncheon. For more details, call the WSU community affairs department at (313) 577-2246 or the department of Africana studies at (313) 577-2321.


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