October 3, 1997

Wayne State, Fortune magazine present leadership teleconference

Leadership issues in a rapidly changing workplace will be explored by eight internationally known authorities in the second annual Worldwide Lessons in Leadership series Thursday and Friday, Oct. 23-24.

Wayne State University and other leading colleges and universities are presenting the series in cooperation with Fortune magazine. The program, to be transmitted via closed circuit television from Boston, will be shown in the Detroit area at the United Artists theaters at Oakland Mall in Troy.

This year's speakers will address leadership issues in a program titled "Shared Leadership in the Workplace: Thriving on True Teamwork." Tom Peters, Peter Drucker, Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard, Peter Senge, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Gary Hamel and Kenichi Ohmae will be among the presenters.

Covey is the author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People; Peters is co-author of In Search of Excellence; and Kanter is the author of World Class and Rosabeth Moss Kanter on the Frontiers of Management.

The program also includes a panel discussion featuring chief executive officers of Fortune 500 companies.

Tickets are $299 and include a light meal, refreshments and program materials. To register call 1-800-689-9771, fax 1-800-233-0937 or e-mail teams@wyn.com.

For more information call Keith Elkins or Robin Roth at (606) 252-2850.


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