August 4, 1997

Robert Carter returns as dean of College of Lifelong Learning

Robert Carter will return as dean of Wayne State University's College of Lifelong Learning as of Sept. 1.

Carter had been at WSU for nearly 12 years, nine in the dean's office, before leaving last July to head the College of General Studies at the University of Pittsburgh. During his time here, he served in several positions, including director of the University Studies/Weekend College program, dean pro tem and interim dean of CLL.

"Sometimes you have to go away from home to find out how important home is to you," Carter said. "I left here thinking that WSU is the best institution in the country, and I come back thinking that same thing."

President David Adamany has said that Carter's efforts have helped mold an attractive program for nontraditional students - an increasingly important constituency for universities nationwide.

"We're very pleased that Bob is returning home to continue the good work he began in his previous tour of duty," Adamany said. "I have every confidence that he'll pick up right where he left off."

Under Carter's direction, the college established a master's degree for the interdisciplinary studies program; built the summer term enrollments to half the size of the winter term; built extension centers to serve more than 2,000 academic year equated students; and opened comprehensive centers in Macomb and Oakland counties.

During Carter's deanship CLL was able to increase enrollments in every area of the college and the Division of Community Education initiated programs to fully matriculate nontraditional students and to maintain a competitive retention rate among them. Upon his return, he plans to experiment with new programs that he believes will benefit the college and the university as a whole.

Carter holds a bachelor's degree in classics from Beloit (Wisconsin) College, and master's and doctoral degrees from Northwestern University. He was director of educational development programs for the Associated Colleges of the Midwest for 10 years prior to his arrival at Wayne State in 1984, and has worked with numerous public and private institutions and organizations.


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