June 13, 1997

Affirmative Action Award nominations sought

Proposals for the President's Award for Affirmative Action are needed to develop innovative and creative programs that will advance Wayne State's affirmative action and non-discrimination goals.

Four awards of $5,000 will be made. Proposals of exceptional merit may be considered for awards exceeding $5,000.

Proposals will be judged according to the degree to which they address the populations of affected groups (expressly minorities and women); develop new ideas for advancing the affirmative action program; and are realistic and can be accomplished.

Some examples of projects this program might support are lectures or demonstrations that educate the campus community concerning such issues as sexism, racism, sexual harassment, and sexual orientation; enlighten management on matters of equity in the work place; help the university community understand quality of life issues for protected groups; serve to eliminate tensions between groups; and focus on careers and career choices for the disabled.

A timetable for completion and a schedule for periodic progress reports should be built into proposals. Proposals should also include a budget that, where applicable, would identify all additional sources of revenue.

The original and six copies of the proposal and letter of application should be submitted to the President's Council on Non-Discrimination/Affirmative Action in care of James Lee, assistant vice president for equal opportunity and neighborhood relations, 3008 Faculty-Administration Building.

Deadline for submission is July 28. Awards will be announced in the fall.


Public Relations
Phone: (313) 577-2150

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