May 2, 1997

WSU professor elected president of national pharmacy law group

Jesse Vivian, associate professor in the College of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions at Wayne State University, has been elected president of the American Society for Pharmacy Law (ASPL). He was sworn in for a three-year term at the society's annual convention recently in Los Angeles.

ASPL is dedicated to educating pharmacists and lawyers about legal issues relating to pharmacy.

Vivian is a licensed pharmacist and lawyer. He teaches courses in pharmacy law, ethics and health care policy at WSU and is general counsel to the Michigan Pharmacists Association. He also writes a monthly column on pharmacy law and ethics for the U.S. Pharmacist, a national journal.

A resident of Plymouth, Professor Vivian is a recipient of the Pharmacist of the Year Award from the Michigan Pharmacists Association and has received three awards at WSU for teaching excellence.

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