April 25, 1997

International Peace Pole comes to WSU

The Rev. Lynette Stallworth, director of the Wesley Foundation, a ministry of the United Methodist Church at Wayne State University, celebrates the first anniversary of the Peace Prayer Pole installed at the foundation entrance April 27, 1996.

The pole is one of 700 a Japanese group has distributed in the United States and Canada. Rev. Stallworth says the pole stands at the entrance "to remind all. . . that we each participate in carrying peace. We are proud to have been selected to have a peace pole. We were further honored by an official visit by three representatives of the Peace Pole Project."

The World Peace Prayer Society in New York City distributes the poles with help from the North America Peace Pole Project in Tokyo and the Peace Pole Project Association in Los Angeles. Each pole has the message "May Peace Prevail on Earth" on two sides and "May Peace be in our Home and Communities" on the other two. To date more than 100,000 poles have been distributed in 160 countries.

For more information call Rev. Stallworth at (313) 577-6090.


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