March 18, 1997

Wayne State's "Funeral for Winter" is April 10

Wayne State University students will join forces with Circa 1890 Saloon restaurateur Steve Xantheas to hold the annual "Funeral for Ol' Man Winter" at12:30 p.m. Thursday, April 10.

Dwayne X. Riley, former host of Riley's World on WDIV TV4, and Matt Michaels, WSU jazz program director, and his Dixieland band musicians will accompany the casket of a lifeless Ol' Man Winter in a New Orleans-style funeral procession. Honorary pallbearers, faculty and students will process from the south end of the Student Center Building on WSU's main campus to the restaurant at 5474Cass, escorted by public safety officers.

After a brief concert and irreverent ceremony outside the restaurant, Xantheas and the mourners officially will cast winter into the bowels of the earth.

At that point Miss Spring will brighten the day with fresh flowers to dispel the gloom of winter. The jazz musicians then will entertain Circa 1890customers for the rest of the day. Xantheas will donate the day's proceeds to the university, as he has for more than 20 years.

Mourners and celebrants will find the casket open at the restaurant for deposit of unused or messed-up tax forms.

Since April 15 is federal and state tax deadline day, Xantheas is looking for a tax collector to put in the coffin with Ol' Man Winter. So far he has no takers.

For more information call the music department at (313) 577-1795.


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