March 13, 1997

Educators learn how to teach K-12 pupils about the Holocaust and Armenian Genocide

Learning about the hatred and evil connected with the Holocaust and Armenian Genocide will the topic of a daylong conference Thursday, April 10, in the McGregor Memorial Conference Center at Wayne State University.

Tickets for "Teachable Moments from the Holocaust and Armenian Genocide: Lessons of Hatred and Evil" cost $25 and include lunch. To receive a registration form call Wayne State's Office of Community Relations at (313) 577-2246. A continental breakfast will be served at 8:30 a.m.

Featured speakers include Richard Lobenthal, former director of the Michigan regional office of the Anti-Defamation League and Ferndale High School teacher Barbara Demlow. She will show an anthology of film segments and moderate a panel discussion featuring students Amy Anderson of Ferndale (Ferndale High School), Joshua Hearshen of Oak Park (Berkley High School), Mark Khachaturian of Beverly Hills (Birmingham Groves High School) and Michael Stromayer of Rochester Hills (Rochester Adams High School), who will discuss their class experiences.

Dennis Papazian, professor of history and director of the Armenian Research Center at the University of Michigan-Dearborn, will be the keynote speaker.


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