February 26, 1997

WSU University Public School planning Peace Week program March 10-14

The University Public School's (UPS) second annual Peace Week program will be held Monday-Friday, March 10-14, at the school, 2727 Second Ave. Wayne State

University operates the middle school.

Events will include election of the school's top peacemakers; presentation of the best peace message, an original creation by a UPS student; eighth grade representation of peace through art; an ice cream social honoring those who "keep the peace" that week; and an assembly featuring the UPS choir and a guest speaker from 2:30-3:15 p.m. Friday in the school cafeteria.

The Committee for Conflict Resolution, developed by the UPS Student Services team, creates programs to foster a culture of peace in the school. Among this year's activities are conflict resolution training for faculty, as well as weekly peace messages announced over the public address system and posted on "footsteps" creating a "pathway to peace" around the school building.

In addition, the parent newsletter prints a monthly peace message and conflict resolution training for parents is in the planning stage.

A special Peace Week feature is the "Peace Posse," a group of students from each grade who take an active role in helping the school prepare for the event. Posse members will serve as ambassadors for the week, assisting with all the activities and will prepare a presentation for the assembly.

UPS Conflict Resolution Committee members: Rosanne Barzone, School of Social Work lecturer and committee chairwoman; Anne Marszalek, College of Nursing instructor in family, community and mental health; Hertha Gast, College of Nursing assistant professor in family, community and mental health; Karen Saunders, UPS teacher and coordinator; and Darlene Johnson, community liaison, Southwest Mental Health Association.

For more information call UPS Principal Fred Borowski or Barzone at

(313) 964-1600.


Public Relations
Phone: (313) 577-2150

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