In the news

Gannett acquires HomeTown papers

Ben Burns, director of the journalism program at Wayne State, commented about Gannett Inc.'s purchase of more than 60 local newspapers, of which 37 are in Michigan including the Detroit News. Local media observers questioned the impact of the Gannett purchase on the southeast Michigan market. "I'd presume there may be some issues in regards to a monopoly. It would mean that Gannett would basically dominate, not only with the Detroit News, but the suburban markets too," Burns said.

Detroit native's account of bigotry, justice in city's past wins national praise

Mike Smith, director of the Walter P. Reuther Library in the College of Urban, Labor and Metropolitan Affairs, comments about author, educator and historian Kevin Boyle. Smith calls Boyle one of the finest historians in the country. \"I see a lot of researchers come through and meet a lot of historians, and I put Kevin up there in the top echelon of scholars,\" Smith said. \"Kevin is a scholar. The fact that he writes in a stylish manner is just icing on the cake for his scholarship.\"

Trauma-induced birth killed fetus

Robert Sedler, a constitutional law professor at Wayne State University in Detroit, was quoted on the fetus of a 16-year old girl found buried in Richmond Township. According to Sedler, the teen father of the fetus may face more legal trouble than his girlfriend based on the induced miscarriage when the boyfriend hit the girl in the abdomen with a baseball bat. \"It seems to me they can prosecute this guy,\" Sedler said. \"I don\'t think she can be convicted as an accomplice. She still has to be treated as a victim,\" Sedler said.

Wayne State program keeps eye on Division I

A prominent sports story focusing on whether Wayne State will move up to Division I in athletics speculates that basketball would be the major sport where the Warriors could be most competitive at a higher level. "It's a sport where two or three players could make a significant impact," explained men's basketball coach David Greer." Sports writer Ted Kulfan says the WSU football program is not ready to make the move but the men's and women's hockey programs already are in the Division I category. "We're trying to continue to build on our successes," said Athletic Director Rob Fournier. "If you make such a move, you want your athletes to have every chance to be successful." The article is accompanied by a photo of Warriors cager Morris Hall during a recent game against the University of Michigan.