In the news

In a recent experiment male monkeys chose toy cars, while females chose dolls

Just like human boys and girls, male monkeys like to play with toy cars while female monkeys prefer dolls, a research project has shown. This intriguing discovery is one of many signs of deep-rooted behavioral differences between the sexes that scientists are exploring with the latest tools of genetics and neuroscience. For example, in a computerized maze-searching experiment, it took females five minutes longer than males to find their way to a goal, according to Scott Mowatt, psychologist at Wayne State University in Detroit .

Tulane U. to Lay Off 233 Professors and Eliminate 14 Doctoral Programs

A little more than three months after Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans , forcing administrators to cancel the fall semester at Tulane University , the storm has dealt another blow to the institution. On Thursday university officials announced a sweeping restructuring that will slice $60-million from the annual budget and will result in the layoffs of 233 faculty members, the elimination of 14 doctoral programs and 5 undergraduate majors, and the suspension of 8 athletics teams. Tulane\'s president, Scott S. Cowen, revealed those plans for remaking the 13,000-student institution after concluding two days of meetings with the university\'s Board of Administrators in New Orleans . The plan is based in part on the expectation that 86 percent of Tulane\'s students will return in the spring.

College night gets a new twist

Students who weren't thinking past high school are now attending college fairs with relish as a result of the Kalamazoo Promise (KP). A recent well-attended fair in town featured representatives from Wayne State , Western Michigan, Eastern Michigan and Lake Superior State universities. Wayne State representative Annette Black said she was seeing a lot more students and diversity of students than she had at prior college fairs as a result of the KP. She said many of the parents attending were not college graduates themselves and were unfamiliar with the applications and admission process and all that a college education entails. "They're not sure what to say, and they don't know what to ask, so I try to put them at ease," Black said. Wayne State is offering graduates on the Promise plan a 50 percent discount on room and board.

Robert M. Mentzer Jr. named dean of Wayne State University School of Medicine

This Detroit newspaper reports in a four-column story on the appointment of Dr. Robert Mentzer as dean of the WSU School of Medicine. "His demonstrated leadership abilities and visionary insight will be a significant asset to the medical school and to Wayne State as we meet the challenges of the 21st century," said President Irvin D. Reid. Nancy Barrett, provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, pointed out that Mentzer's appointment follows a comprehensive, year-long national search. A photo of Mentzer accompanies the story.

Local boys come home to play on Wayne State University's hockey team

Having a player come home to play college hockey is becoming commonplace in the game these days, and it\'s on display twice as much in Detroit as Adam and Matt Krug are teammates on Wayne State. Adam, a sophomore forward, and Matt, a freshman defenseman, haven\'t been teammates since the 1999-2000 school year when both played for Livonia ( Mich. ) Churchill High School in suburban Detroit . But now, both are back home after going far from the Motor City for their junior hockey.

Yellow Jackets avenge loss

Wayne State University faced a much different West Virginia State University team than when the two teams met three weeks ago. The Warriors came to West Virginia State on Nov. 15 and handed the Jackets their first home loss in 26 games with an impressive 85-79 victory, but found the going a lot rougher on their own home floor Wednesday night. State jumped out to a 19-point halftime lead and went on to avenge its only loss of the season as they defeated Wayne State 75-52 at the Matthaei in front of a crowd of 609.

Teens Help Control Diabetes with Psychotherapy

Intensive, home-based psychotherapy can significantly reduce diabetes-related stress in adolescents with type 1diabetes, according to a report in journal Pediatrics. \"Although medical care providers often feel frustrated when caring for difficult families such as these,\" Dr. Deborah A. Ellis from Wayne State University , Detroit , told Reuters Health, there are treatments that may improve the psychosocial well-being, adherence and health outcome of teens who do not adhere to treatment of their type I diabetes, also know as \"juvenile\" diabetes.

Report Says States Aim Low in Science Classes

Nearly half the states are doing a poor job of setting high academic standards for science in public schools, according to a new report that examined science in anticipation of 2007, when states will be required to administer tests in the subject under President Bush\'s signature education law. The report, released Wednesday by the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, suggests that the focus on reading and math as required subjects for testing under the federal law, No Child Left Behind, has turned attention away from science, contributing to a failure of American children to stay competitive in science with their counterparts abroad. The report also appears to support concerns raised by a growing number of university officials and corporate executives, who say that the failure to produce students well-prepared in science is undermining the country\'s production of scientists and engineers and putting the nation\'s economic future in jeopardy.

Monkey study shows early toy preference

Scientists are using the latest tools of genetics and neuroscience to explore deep-rooted behavioral differences between the sexes. They report significant difference in the structure and functioning of male and female brains in both humans and animals. One example given in the article is a computerized maze-searching experiment done at Wayne State University . Scott Mowatt, a psychologist, said it took females five minutes longer than males to find their way to a goal. But an experiment at the National Institutes of Mental Health found that women outperformed men in a test of verbal fluency. The news story ran widely today in Knight Ridder newspapers across the country.

Push is on for 4-year college

Wayne State is mentioned in an article about a proposed four-year college in Macomb County . A committee that is studying the issue contends that a university in Macomb would increase opportunities for students and would improve the local economy. But others say it may be a waste of money when the county already offers several higher education options. Macomb residents already live within driving distance of three, four-year public universities, including Wayne State . Additionally, Wayne State and Ferris State have satellite campuses in Macomb .

Plan will measure arts' economic force

A new cultural development plan for the state of Michigan will include a Web site that will provide a way to measure the economic impact of arts and culture. The site will help any cultural organization to determine how much money it generates in sales, how many jobs it creates and how many tax dollars it brings to the city, state and nation. The site is under development by students and professors at Wayne State University , Michigan State University and Lawrence Technological University .

Research shows racial steering by real estate agents still exists

George Galster, professor of urban studies at Wayne State , co-authored a study examining "racial steering," the practice of persuading potential home buyers to purchase in specific neighborhoods and regions based on their ethnicity. The results, published in the Journal of the American Planning Association, revealed that racial steering had increased for black-white pairs - with blacks steered away from non-minority neighborhoods and whites steered toward them - since 1989, the last time a study was conducted. The authors also reported that at least 12 to 15 percent of the time, real estate agents provided more information to white homebuyers and encouraged them to choose homes in areas with more white and fewer poor households.

Push is on for 4-year college

Elected officials who have established a committee to study the issue of establishing a 4-year college in Macomb County say a university could increase opportunities for students and improve the local economy. But others say it may be a waste of money since Macomb already offers several higher education options, such as Macomb Community College and Davenport University , which is private. Wayne State is noted as reachable to commuting Macomb students and as having an established satellite campus in the county.