Wayne State in the news

College Board miscalculates SAT scores of 4,000 students, forcing colleges to review decisions

Officials of the College Board are still not sure what caused the error in the scores of 4,000 students who took the test in October 2005. Most of the affected students received a lower score than they actually earned, with some scores off by as much as 200 points. Many college admissions officers are now having to reconsider decisions that were based on faulty scores. Student complaints about the inaccurate scores prompted the College Board to investigate the problem in late December, but admissions officials were just notified about the errors this week via a mailed letter.

Wayne State honors resident

Stephen Millen was honored with a Distinguished Alumni Award during Wayne State's 29th annual College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts awards ceremony. Millen, vice president and general manager of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, was one of three honorees. Other recipients included: Jack Kay, provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs at the University of Michigan-Flint; and actor Ernie Hudson, best known for his role in the 1984's "Ghostbusters." The awards allow colleges and departments to honor alumni whose achievements are conspicuous within their chosen fields," said John D. Vander Weg, associate dean, College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts. "(Millen's) success as a high-level administrator in one of the top-notch orchestras in the country is something that should be recognized and honored." A photo of Millen is included.

Staying clean has new rewards: Vouchers for addicts

The idea of offering meaningful incentives to influence and change adult behavior is slowly catching on for drug and alcohol treatment, according to this Knight Ridder article. More than 60 studies in this country and Europe show that rewarding substance abusers for staying clean helps keep them enrolled in the critical early weeks of outpatient rehab, when dropout rates can hit 40 percent or more. "Many of us recognize this as one of the most important and effective tools we have," said Charles R. Schuster, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse under Presidents Reagan and Bush and now head of addictions research at the Wayne State University School of Medicine. The article ran in dozens of Knight Ridder newspapers around the country.

Jabs trade over tax fight

Oakland County Executive L. Brooks Patterson's efforts to get the state of Michigan to abolish the Single Business Tax (SBT) using news conferences in his office and press releases on county letterhead have come under fire by Oakland County Commissioner David Woodward of Royal Oak , who is chairman of the county Democratic Party . He contends that use of county resources to advance a political position and to get the issue on the ballot are illegal. But Patterson counters that what he is doing is legal, noting that his activities on behalf of the repeal campaign have been done with the assistance of county employees on their personal time. The article mentions that the Michigan Chamber of Commerce has not taken a position on the SBT proposal and that the chamber recently filed a complaint against Wayne State University for providing a Web link to a campaign to raise the minimum wage. "Since the complaint, WSU has removed the link," the article points out.

College offers online courses for Detroit school students

Detroit Public Schools and Wayne County Community College will announce today that DPS students will soon be able to log on and attend more than 100 online courses at WCCC. The offerings will help students who want to take classes that aren't available in their schools - typically because of lack of teachers or lack of interest from other students. Cass Tech Junior Joy Alston likes the idea. She is in AP Calculus this year and was planning to attend Wayne State University during her senior year to study more advanced math. Now she says she may take that class online.

College offers online courses for Detroit school students

The district\'s high school students soon will be able to log on and attend any of the more than 100 online classes offered at the Wayne County Community College District. The access is part of a partnership expected to be announced today between the Detroit Public Schools and the community college, in part to meet a new state proposal requiring all students complete an online course to graduate. The courses, which would include college classes and ACT and SAT preparation, would start as early as this summer for about six high schools and expand district wide this fall. The offerings will help students who want to take classes that aren\'t available in their schools, typically because of a lack of teachers or interest from other students, officials said. The college\'s chancellor, Curtis Ivery, said he expects both advanced students and others who may struggle with school to benefit from online instruction because students today connect with computers so easily. \"At the age of three years, they are on the video games,\" Ivery said. \"They are so comfortable with the technology.\"

Tour to Raise Consciousness of Youth on Importance of Financial Literacy in Response to Growing Debt in America

The press asked last year, \"Can Russell Simmons make debt consolidation hot?\" The answer, a resounding yes. Following the tremendous success and positive feedback of the 2005 \"Get Your Money Right\" financial empowerment national tour, The Hip-Hop Summit Action Network (HSAN) along with, title sponsor Chrysler Financial and presenting sponsor Anheuser-Busch, Inc., are gearing up to launch the 2006 \"Get Your Money Right\" tour. The financial empowerment tour will kick off on March 25, 2006 at Wayne State University \'s Bonstelle Theater in Detroit .

Hip-Hop Summit Action Network 'Get Your Money Right' Tour

Topics - Rap, Hip Hop, Events, Tours. Find more related articles under the related topics section shown in the box to the right. The press asked last year, \"Can Russell Simmons make debt consolidation hot?\" The answer, a resounding yes. Following the tremendous success and positive feedback of the 2005 \"Get Your Money Right\" financial empowerment national tour, The Hip-Hop Summit Action Network (HSAN) along with, title sponsor Chrysler Financial and presenting sponsor Anheuser-Busch, Inc., are gearing up to launch the 2006 \"Get Your Money Right\" tour. The financial empowerment tour will kick off on March 25, 2006 at Wayne State University \'s Bonstelle Theater in Detroit .

Doner loses its advertising account with Circuit City

Doner, one of Detroit \'s largest ad agencies, has lost Circuit City Stores Inc. as a client -- the second account to slip away from it in as many weeks. The Southfield-based company had been the agency of record for the nation\'s second-largest consumer-electronics retailer since 2004. It said its contract with Circuit City ended at the end of February and wasn\'t renewed. \"Without a doubt, it\'s important to try to hold onto existing accounts,\" said Jeff Stoltman, a marketing professor at Wayne State University . \"You do start to get some morale issues that pop up in an agency when you lose a couple of key accounts, but I\'m sure Doner management is on the case.\"

Macomb studies 4-year college

After a couple of months and three town hall meetings, efforts to determine whether Macomb County needs a 4-year university ramp up this month. The public is invited to a meeting of the Public Advisory Committee on Macomb University , scheduled for Saturday. The group also is looking for volunteers to serve on a subcommittee researching a variety of questions. The county already has the University Center at Macomb Community College \'s Center Campus in Clinton Township . There, students can attend the community college and earn a degree from one of eight affiliated 4-year institutions that offer 31 bachelors', 18 master\'s and two certificate programs. Since opening its doors in 1991, the center has grown from an enrollment of 900 students to 2,700 and offers degrees from Central Michigan, Ferris State , Lawrence Technological, Oakland and Wayne State universities, the University of Detroit Mercy and Walsh and Rochester colleges.

Englishman hooks up with Sioux City missionary group

A young man was sitting in his home in Great Britain , surfing the Internet, looking for medical mission trips. He discovered one and now has 5,128 frequent flier miles when he arrived in Sioux City recently. Actually, he has many more than that after accompanying a Sioux City evangelical and outreach mission on two trips outside the United States. Just before Christmas, Phil Hall, 19, of Birmingham , England , \"Googled\" the words \"Christian medical missions\" and found Light of the World Missions and Outreach Ministries, a missionary group based in Sioux City . The adventurous side of Hall was intrigued with Light of the World and that feeling was returned by Bobbie Nutt, president and director of the group. Currently, Hall, Nutt and medical students from Wayne State University , Detroit , Mich. , are doing mission work in the Mayan villages of Belize . They will be gone from March 3-11.

'Terrorism training'

Democrats in the state House expect to introduce a resolution today asking lawmakers to join a nationwide boycott of a new video game that rewards players who kill cops. The game, which was released to U.S. markets in January, pits criminals against police officers. Players may select the role of either side and can use as many as 40 different weapons, including a variety of pistols, assault rifles and a rocket launcher in addition to knives and hammers. Democrats say they will introduce a resolution asking House and Senate lawmakers to support a boycott of the game. The distinction between banning and boycotting can invite complications, said Robert Sedler, a professor of constitutional law at Wayne State University . \"Once the government starts prohibiting the sale by law, including to minors, that raises serious First Amendment questions,\" he said. \"That\'s why these laws get into troubles.\"

KeraCure(TM) Initiates Multi-Center Pivotal Study in Diabetic Foot Ulcers

KeraCure, Inc. announced today that the first patients have been treated in a Multi-Center Pivotal Study for the treatment of diabetic foot ulcers. The study was recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to test the safety and efficacy of the KeraPac(TM) device in approximately 270 subjects in 16 clinical sites across the U.S. The Company expects to complete enrollment in approximately one year. Its proprietary platform technology was developed at the University of Michigan School of Medicine and Wayne State University .