A 'fight to the death' Midland man takes battle to high court
A Midland millionaire has gone from facing $120 billion in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Environmental Protection Agency fines to possibly neutering the federal agencies\' regulatory power over wetlands. Tuesday, real estate baron John A. Rapanos takes his landmark civil case against the U.S. Department of Justice to the U.S. Supreme Court, which could decide to curtail the 34-year-old Clean Water Act. The case will determine whether federal agencies overstepped their bounds by regulating wetlands on private property. Also at stake is whether the Clean Water Act applies to all wetlands, even those that don\'t border a navigable water. \"The question is whether or not the federal government has the constitutional authority to be in the wetlands protection business -- or environmental protection, for that matter,\" said Noah D. Hall, a Wayne State University environmental law professor.