Perspectives: Asian Americans aren't white folks' 'racial mascots'
Frank Wu, dean of the Law School , is co-author, along with William Kidder of the University of California-Davis, of an op-ed piece on how Asian Americans have benefited from affirmative action and how claims that they would benefit if affirmative action programs were discontinued are false. They contend that Asian Americans are being "used and abused" by opponents of affirmative action who say Asian Americans would have greater opportunities for admission to college if affirmative action programs were abolished. Wu and Kidder cite a recent study that examined the numbers of Asian Americans in law schools before and after affirmative action bans took effect in three states. There turned out to be fewer Asian Americans in those schools after the bans. "It is possible," they conclude, "for reasonable people to have different opinions about the fairness and effectiveness of affirmative action. It would not be productive, however, for us to believe that Asian Americans must oppose Blacks and Latinos as the face of the nation changes profoundly and irrevocably."