In the news

South University Village

Morning drive-time news reports included mention of Wayne State's planned new South University Village. The university and Grand Rapids developer Prime Development will break ground Wednesday for the $36 million residential and retail development. President Irvin D. Reid pointed out that the initiative is one way Wayne State is helping to attract people back to the city of Detroit. He said opening of the first phase of the project is planned for the spring of 2008.

Regional universities team up to fight separate funding for U-M, MSU and Wayne State

Nine regional public universities in Michigan have formed an alliance to oppose separate funding for Wayne State, Michigan State and the University of Michigan. Although Gov. Granholm's budget proposal calls for all 15 universities to get the same 2.5 percent increase, the coalition fears that separating money into two pots would lead to a bigger share for the research institutions at the expense of the others in future years. The announcement of the united effort comes on the heels of a recent poll that showed 76 percent of Michigan residents oppose the idea of providing more money to the "Big Three" universities because of research and development opportunities they bring to the state. U-M, WSU and MSU "already get 57 percent of the state funding while the remaining 12 have to share 43 percent," said Kathy Wilbur, vice president for government relations and public affairs at Central Michigan University. "Apparently receiving a majority of the funding isn't enough for them." The nine smaller universities have formed The Education Alliance for Michigan, or TEAM, to advance their interests in the budget debate. The strong reaction came as a surprise to some leaders at U-M, WSU and MSU, whose presidents testified recently before lawmakers about their universities' unique economic contributions and their importance to Michigan's turnaround. Wayne State spokeswoman Francine Wunder pointed out that by investing in research to stimulate the economy, the state can better facilitate collaboration and coordination among all its public universities, and benefit from their unique strengths. Mike Boulus, executive director of the Presidents Council, State Universities of Michigan noted that "we've always had our differences, but collectively we've always had much in common."

Millage renewal ensures SC4 keeps its educational promises

In an op-ed piece, St. Clair County Community College officials thank the public for approving a millage renewal in February. The renewal allows SC4 to preserve and expand programs that allow students to transfer credits to Wayne State University, Oakland, Northwood and the Great Lakes Maritime Academy. The piece also points out that the college has added 15 bachelor's and master's degree programs through its University Center. Students can take classes in Port Huron offered by Wayne State and several other Michigan universities.

Jury selection begins in former Qwest CEO's trial

Wayne State University law professor Peter Henning commented about Joseph Nacchio, the former CEO of Denver-based Qwest Communications. Nacchio is charged with improperly selling $101 million of stock. Henning said Nacchio is fighting "hindsight bias" because he was supposed to know what was going on at his company since he was the CEO. "That's why his defense is so important," said Henning. "It takes what I think is otherwise an implausible defense of, 'I thought the company was doing well,' and gives it at least a measure of plausibility."

Developer, WSU break ground on $36 million mixed-use project

South University Village, Wayne State's joint development project with Prime Development, is described in this item announcing the groundbreaking event held at the old Vernors site. Studio One Apartments LLC will build and finance the new 155,000 square-foot five-story mixed-use building - of which 26,217 square feet is first-floor commercial plus four levels of market rate residential rental units - projected to cost $20 million. The university will build and finance a four level parking garage - projected to cost $15.9 million - to serve the needs of the general public, the residential/retail complex and the university. The planned completion dates and openings are set for spring/summer of 2008. An image of the planned project is included in both stories.

WSU to break ground at former Vernors site

A brief running in "This Just In" notes Wayne State University's plans to break ground Wednesday, March 21, on South University Village, a $36 million mixed-use development on the former site of the Vernors ginger ale plant. The project will include a parking structure and Fifth Third Bank will serve as the anchor tenant, according to Francine Wunder, director of corporate and public affairs at WSU. The project is scheduled for a summer 2008 completion date.

GM Funding New Curriculum at WSU

Wayne State University has received three grants totaling $26,000 from the General Motors Foundation to support development of its engineering curriculum to take full advantage of software tools currently used by industry. The WSU faculty involved are Kyoung-yun Kim, department of industrial and manufacturing engineering; Jerry Ku, department of mechanical engineering; and Gene Liao, division of engineering technology. (The identical story was published in a sister newspaper, Detroit Auto Scene.)

GM funding new curriculum at WSU

General Motors Corp. has provided grants totaling $26,000 to Wayne State University in support of engineering curriculum development. The donation will allow WSU faculty to redesign undergraduate and graduate courses to take full advantage of the latest software tools employed by industry. The faculty involved are professors Kyoung-yun Kim in the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Jerry Ku in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Gene Liao in the Engineering Technology Division. Details of planned course modifications are given.