WSUPD's Lt. Dave Scott offers tips to texting pedestrians
Cellphone use while driving has been widely studied, and there is plenty of data to back up the relationship between distracted driving and injury rates. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, a motorist is 23 times more likely to crash if texting while driving. Prevention is the first focus for Lt. Dave Scott, the crime prevention officer for the Wayne State University Police. As students return to campus, Scott said officers are reminding them to put cellphones away and skip listening to music on headphones while walking on campus. He said it not only promotes safer pedestrian behaviors and awareness, but it also reduces thefts and assaults. "The pedestrians, the bicyclists and the drivers are all competing for space on the roadway," Scott said. "Everybody has obligations they have to follow by law, and there are also common-sense behaviors they should be doing."