Former NASA astronaut Mae Jemison to deliver keynote during Wayne State University's Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute
Wayne State University will host its annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Tribute Luncheon at the Max M. Fisher Music Center at 10 a.m. Friday, Jan. 17. The keynote speaker is Mae Jemison, a physician, engineer, educator, entrepreneur and NASA astronaut. Jemison was the first African American woman in space and now leads the 100 Year Starship initiative to enable innovations for human travel to the stars. "Dr. Jemison's admiration for Dr. King, coupled with her extraordinary achievements in science and technology, made her a great choice as our 2014 keynote speaker," said WSU Vice President of Government and Community Affairs Patrick O. Lindsey. "Each year, we celebrate King's legacy with those who personify his dream. We hope that those attending will be motivated to pursue their dreams so that they will be an inspiration for future generations." Net proceeds from the luncheon will support Adopt-A-Classroom, a nationally recognized organization that invites the community into classrooms to increase opportunities for student success by empowering teachers with community partnerships and funds to purchase resources. Last fall, Wayne State adopted Detroit's Burton International Academy. Since 2008, nearly 40 classrooms in the Detroit area have been sponsored.