Past president of CNN, MSNBC to discuss media role in 2014 elections at WSU
Rick Kaplan, former president for CNN - U.S. and MSNBC and winner of 47 Emmys and dozens of other journalism awards, will speak Wednesday, Nov. 19, at Wayne State University. Kaplan, whose experience in TV news spans 40 years of in-depth reporting and producing, will present "The Role of the Media in the 2014 Elections" from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the Bernath Auditorium of the David Adamany Undergraduate Library. Kaplan and Jack Lessenberry, longtime journalist, area head of the journalism faculty at Wayne State and senior political analyst for Michigan Radio, also will discuss Kaplan's historic career and the future of broadcast journalism. The event is co-sponsored by the Wayne Law Sports and Entertainment Law Society.