School of Medicine in the news

Surge in nitrous oxide abuse raises alarming health concerns in Michigan

Holistic medicine is becoming a more common practice

The illegal drug at every corner store
How to advocate for yourself as a multiple myeloma patient

Travel experts speak on anxiety after D.C. plane crash
Frontline Strong Together

Fake papers are contaminating the world’s scientific literature, fueling a corrupt industry and slowing legitimate lifesaving medical research

Startup Spotlight: Mitovation

Bird flu confirmed in animals at Waterford public park, employees being monitored

11 people in Oakland County had contact with H5N1-infected backyard flock, 2 are now sick

Detroit Medical Center implements new visitor guidelines amid flu uptick

Detroit Medical Center adds visitor restrictions at hospitals as flu cases rise

DMC restricts young visitors at Metro Detroit hospitals amid rise in flu cases

Talking about the U.S. Surgeon General’s recent advisory about the link between cancer and alcohol use

Avian influenza alert: Wayne State University experts advise public on current U.S. outbreak

Every day, we’re exposed to chemicals that can affect our health

How to stick to your New Year's resolution