February 10, 2020

WSU Applebaum hosting refugee health conference March 24

The world is witnessing significant displacement of populations due to war and unrest, food insecurity, economic displacement and ethnic tensions. These global events impact immigration to Michigan and Detroit and the health status of new immigrants. An upcoming conference is aimed at helping Wayne State University health students better understand how to strengthen their skills and abilities to improve the health of refugee populations.

The Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences invites students and faculty from across Wayne State to participate in Local Solutions for Better Refugee Health, a half-day conference focused on the barriers that refugees confront in attempting to access the health system, and the strategies and solutions shown to link these vulnerable populations to care.

The conference is scheduled for March 24, from 3 to 7 p.m. in the WSU Applebaum building at 259 Mack Ave. It is free, but registration is requested.

Refugees face enduring trauma and other health burdens that challenge health care providers. They commonly experience higher rates of mental health disorders precipitated by the refugee experience, but also communicable diseases endemic to countries of origin, and then confront new chronic diseases endemic to host countries. Finding effective and sustainable interventions to address these health needs is challenging. Many health care professionals may not know where to turn to strengthen their skills and abilities to improve the health of refugee and immigrant populations. The local community provides some services and has some expertise, but we need to learn more about how to strengthen our outreach and effectiveness.

After participating in this event you will:

Better understand key U.S. laws and health and social policies that pose barriers to optimal refugee health.

Identify local health agencies and advocacy organizations that are resources for refugee health.

Develop new skills to understand the complexity of refugee health care, based on case-based review and discussions of refugee health success stories in Detroit.

Learn how to leverage available resources pertaining to refugees’ health.

Review community-based programs and services aimed at improving refugees’ health and well-being.

For more information, contact conference organizer Professor of Pharmacy Practice Linda Jaber at ljaber@wayne.edu.

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