May 14, 2019

Residents showcase quality improvement research initiatives at Ascension Providence Rochester

QI Day 2019
From left are Dr. Cheryl Wissman, chief medical officer at Ascension Providence Rochester Hospital; Dr. Monica Dhawan, Internal Medicine resident and a first-place poster presentation winner, and Dr. Tsveti Markova, associate dean of Graduate Medical Education at Wayne State University.

Wayne State University School of Medicine and Ascension Providence Rochester Hospital hosted the eighth annual Quality Improvement Day on May 7. The event showcased QI research projects implemented by residents in the Family Medicine, Internal Medicine and Transitional Year programs at Ascension.

A QI project is a collaborative intervention designed to improve the efficiency of a hospital practice by increasing patient safety while reducing costs. During the first hour, 20 participants discussed their posters with fellow residents and faculty.  

The competitive component of the day began at 1 p.m., with 13 residents delivering eight-minute presentations to an audience of their peers. The competition was judged by David Pieper, Ph.D., executive director of Southeast Michigan Center for Medical Education; Brent Stansfield, Ph.D., director of Education for the School of Medicine’s Office of Graduate Medical Education; and Camelia Arsene, M.D., an assistant professor at University of Toledo School of Medicine.

The winners:

First place

"Improving Vitamin K Dosing in Patients with Supratherapeutic INR," co-authored by Monica Dhawan, Laith Al-Janabi, Gloria Hong and Raashi Chawla (presenter)

Second place

"Process to Improve Cardiac Telemetry Use in a Community Hospital," co-authored by Sana Chams, Jasmeet Bal, Ankita Aggarwal, Manishkumar Patel (presenter) and Gloria Hong

Third place (tie)

"Improving Resident Error Reporting: A QI Initiative," co-authored by Lucinda Wenzlick (presenter), Anubhav Jain, Danielle Fabry and Brandon Dmytruk

"Process Improvement to Reduce Inappropriate Use of Total Parenteral Nutrition," co-authored by Vera Pochtarev (presenter), Tapasya Mandalapu, FNU Sourabh and Kristen Hughes

Faculty members Vesna Tegeltija, M.D., and Sarwan Kumar, M.D., of the Department of Internal Medicine sponsored the four projects.

The awards were presented by Ascension Providence Rochester’s Chief Medical Officer Cheryl Wissman, M.D., and Associate Dean of Graduate Medical Education and Department of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences Professor and Chair Tsveti Markova, M.D.


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