The ninth annual Detroit Medical Center/Wayne State University Kathryn Cramer Visiting Lecture Conference is scheduled for April 10.
Presented by the WSU/DMC Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, the conference will take place in the Children’s Hospital of Michigan Auditorium, with participation also available via Zoom.

The keynote speaker is Lisa Taitsman, M.D., M.P.H., professor of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine at the University of Washington. She specializes in orthopedic surgery for trauma patients.
The agenda includes:
7:30 a.m.: Breakfast
8 a.m.: Introductions
8:15 a.m.: Lisa Taitsman, M.D., M.P.H., presenting “Extreme Intramedullary Nailing”
9 a.m.: Break
9:15 a.m. – Stephanie Muh, M.D., presenting “Implementation of Non-Opioid Multimodal Pain Regimen for Post-operative Pain after Shoulder Arthroplasty”
10 a.m.: Break
10:15 a.m.: Seann Willson, M.D., presenting “Women in Orthopaedics – Race to 30”
11 a.m.: Speaker Panel
11:30 a.m.: Conference Concludes
Join the Zoom meeting at with meeting ID 881 9962 7761 and passcode: 192444.
For more information, call 313-745-0517.