August 31, 2023

School of Medicine’s Financial Wellness office hosts Oct. 11 seminar on securing external scholarships

The Wayne State University School of Medicine’s Office of Scholarships and Financial Wellness, part of the Enrollment Management team, will host “Graduate to Freedom: How to Successfully Locate and Obtain Scholarships” at 5 p.m. on Oct. 11 in person and online. Food will be provided for in-person attendees, who will also be eligible to win several prizes.

The event is for current medical students who want to know about scholarship opportunities outside of the School of Medicine, as well as how to stand out in the scholarship application process. 

Angel Stallings

The event will include a presentation by Angel Stallings, a Detroit native and debt-free first-generation college graduate.

Although she initially took out loans, Stallings worked and won more than 30 scholarships that ranged from $500 to $42,000, totaling $100,000, and ended her educational journey without debt. Stallings will share her techniques on finding external scholarships, writing essays and scholarship information for international students.

Stallings is licensed certified public accountant in Michigan and co-author of a book on the subject of graduating free of debt. She graduated summa cum laude from Central Michigan University with an undergraduate degree in accounting and a minor in information systems.

Additional Office of Scholarships and Financial Wellness events include “Public Service Loan Forgiveness: How to Prepare Now as a Medical Student” and “Introduction to the Art of Investing,” with dates and times to be announced, said School of Medicine Financial Wellness Advisor Kelli Wright.

For more information, including to RSVP, visit

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