April 14, 2023

Warrior M.D. Class of 2026 embarks on next segment of medical school

Medical students attend a team-building session in the Margherio Family Conference Center as part of Segment 2 orientation.

Members of the Wayne State University School of Medicine’s Class of 2026 returned to campus last week to begin the second segment of their pre-clerkship curriculum.

The week began with M2 Orientation, which included a series of sessions, lectures and team-building events constructed to help students transition from their first to their second academic year. Students also participated in fun team-building activities.

“It is designed to help students feel prepared and confident for their upcoming year of medical education,” said Devibala Govindarajan, M.D., the segment two pre-clerkship director. “The orientation session resonated with the school’s vision to promote our physicians-in-training as independent, lifelong, self-directed master adaptive learners.”

Orientation continues through the month with additional sessions on the longitudinal courses of Population, Patient, Physician and Professionalism, Service Learning, Clinical Skills and Clinical Experiential.

“During this orientation, students are introduced to various aspects of the medical school curriculum emphasizing active-learning sessions. The event also provides students with the opportunity to mingle with their peers,” Dr. Govindarajan said. 

Dean Wael Sakr, M.D., participates in one of several 360-degree video shoots the class participated in as part of orientation.

Day one included sessions focused on early clinical exposure, training to provide patient-centered and culturally responsive care, and community education. School of Medicine Dean Wael Sakr, M.D., and Vice Dean for Medical Education Richard Baker, M.D., also welcomed the Class of 2026 back to campus. Then, Segment One Director Paul Walker, Ph.D., ceremonially “handed” the Class of 2026 to Dr. Govindarajan.

The second day introduced newly-appointed Human Disease Foundations One Course Director and Associate Professor of Pathology Alfred Roy, M.D., who provided essential insights into the Segment Two curricula and new age diseases and therapeutics.

“As Wayne State University School of Medicine transitions to much more active-learning sessions for students, having them learn material within small-group formats is key, whether it be case-based learning, problem-based learning, or something else,” said Tapinder Singh, manager of Undergraduate Medical Education and Curricular Affairs. “When they begin their small-group learning activities, they already have some bonding and can focus on developing their clinical reasoning skills and mastering course content.”

The Class of 2026 returned to campus April 10 to start the second year of their medical education.

Students participated in team-building exercises that included creating short videos about their group inspired by current trends on social media platforms like TikTok, and a 360-degree photo shoot within their groups of five for the Human Disease Foundations One course that runs now through the end of June.

“This kind of activity creates a zone of comfort, confidence and communication skills as they learn together as a group, enabling them to focus more on clinical reasoning and content mastery,” Dr. Govindarajan said. “Students’ creative and curious minds were palpable as they immersed themselves in creating their own small world. It’s a visual delight to see their shining, smiling faces brimming with confidence and enthusiasm.”

For more information on the M.D. curriculum, visit https://highways.med.wayne.edu/overview

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