February 23, 2023

Wayne County Medical Examiner’s Office partners with School of Social Work in first-of-its kind collaboration

When Wayne State University’s School of Medicine was contracted to run the Wayne County Medical Examiner’s Office last October, School of Social Work Dean Sheryl Kubiak was a staunch advocate. Through funding from the School of Medicine and the county, one full-time social worker will be hired to work in the office, and several School of Social Work students will serve internships there beginning this fall.

“It’s a unique partnership as not a whole lot exist around the country. Students will need to have a special interest in this realm and be able to handle some very challenging situations, but they will also gain a wealth of knowledge at the medical examiner’s office, one of the top five busiest in the country,” said Kristi Price, Clinical Interprofessional Education program manager at the WSU School of Social Work.

Price, who will serve as the students’ faculty field liaison, will train and supervise the interns, along with a full-time social worker placed in the office.

“Over the next few months, we will be finalizing our program goals, then we will onboard and train the new social worker and bring on student interns in the fall,” Price said.

Students, she said, will work with the full-time social worker to assist families and loved ones who come to the office. At times, they also will assist investigators with cases, and observe morning rounds with doctors and medical students.

The internships, which will include stipends, will run for about nine months, from September to May, Price said.

The medical examiner’s office does not now utilize counselors or social workers.

“We’re hoping that through this partnership, social workers will be present with families as they identify their loved ones as well as assist them in the grieving process. Grief is a complicated emotion. When a loved one passes, those who interact with the medical examiner’s office are frequently in a traumatic state and it can be hard for them to process everything that is going on. Our social workers can help find the resources and additional support they need,” Price said.

Price has been working closely with Dean Kubiak and Chandra Carr, director of Practicum Education, to determine what the makeup of the teams and the details of the partnership.

"The death of a loved one is always a painful event, but when that death is unexpected there can be a more intense emotional reaction,” Dean Kubiak said. “This reaction can be compounded by processes surrounding the cause of death investigation by the medical examiner's office. When grieving families are provided with immediate supportive resources and connections for ongoing community-based supports by social workers embedded within the office, we can minimize loved ones’ pain and also aid the investigation process.”

The program’s first year will see internships available for two or three bachelor’s of Social Work or master’s of Social Work core students. Students can express their interest when they make an appointment for a practicum placement interview. From there, they will be connected to Price for an interview and next steps.

“Because of social workers’ training and education, they are well suited to respond to those in crisis as well as connect them with resources. I think this partnership makes a lot of sense, and I hope we’ll form a great team that will help a lot of people,” Price said.

Thane Peterson, vice dean of Finance and Administration for the School of Medicine, is confident the partnership will be valuable for all involved.

“Through our collaboration with the School of Social Work we aim to deliver the highest quality of care, compassion and grief counseling to the decedents’ families and loved ones,” Peterson said. “This new social work component at the Wayne County Medical Examiner’s Office is an invaluable resource to assist families through the medical examination process. Further, this will create a new training opportunity in the field of social work.”

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